Student Perceptions of Learner-Centered Teaching

The learner-centered paradigm departs from traditional teaching models by focusing on students more than teachers and learning more than teaching. Thus, classes are more egalitarian; they emphasize critical thinking, active learning, and real-world assignments. Graduate students in learner-centered classrooms were surveyed about perceptions of their experiences in relation to the key dimensions of the learner-centered…

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The Intersection of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning with Online Course Design in Teacher Education

This study employed a web-based survey investigating graduate students’ perceptions of effectiveness of various learning activities in an online teacher education course designed to teach instructional strategies. Learner-centered evaluation allows for insights into the teaching and learning process, and learner satisfaction is particularly critical in determining quality in distance education. The findings would inform a…

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When Rubrics Collide: One Writing Tutor’s Experience Negotiating Faculty and Institutional Assessments

This article recounts one undergraduate writing tutor’s experience helping a fellow peer navigate an institutional assessment rubric that seemed to contrast the assessment criteria provided by the student’s instructor. This article presents a reflection on that experience, framed by Hutchings, Huber, and Ciccone’s (2011) work on institutional assessment and the scholarship of teaching and learning.

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A Student’s Experience and View on College Teaching and Learning

Through my college experience and my reflection on The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Reconsidered, I have come to recognize several ideas that have greatly impacted me, my views on learning, and my actual learning. My overall experience in college has been beneficial because of the teachers who approached teaching with a more conscious effort…

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Creative Writing Assignments in a Second Language Course: A Way to Engage Less Motivated Students

This article makes a case for using creative writing in a second language course. Creative writing increases students’ enthusiasm for writing skills development and supports students’ creativity, which is a fundamental aspect of education. In order to engage less motivated students, a series of creative writing assignments was implemented in a second language writing course….

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An Engaging, Yet Failed Flip

The flipped classroom is growing significantly as a model of learning in higher education. However, there are ample problems with the research on flipped classrooms, including where success is often defined by student perceptions and a lack of consistent, empirical research supporting improved academic learning. This quasi-experimental study describes a semester-long comparison of two of…

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How Age, Gender, and Class Format Relate to Undergraduate Students’ Perceptions of Effective Course Assessments

Students’ perceptions of assessment used within the learning environment greatly influence their approach to learning. Therefore, this study aims to explore whether various student or course characteristics (age, gender, course format) impact perceptions regarding effectiveness of assessment type (e.g., exam, participation, presentation) and question format. As faculty develop their courses they may wish to consider…

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